Con vs Chem Trails and Preventing Global Warming

I got into a debate with a local weatherman on Facebook. I have completely quit talking about conspiracy facts, and I only preach the gospel of the kingdom of God, but this was an exception.

It has been in the 80s in Northern Illinois at the end of October, and that is very high compared to usual. I found these images from a few days ago and shared these with him and links I will add below.

White House is pushing ahead
research to cool Earth by reflecting
back sunlight

The White House is coordinating a five-year research plan to study ways of modifying the amount of sunlight that reaches the earth to temper the effects of global warming, a process sometimes called solar geoengineering or sunlight reflection.

It is even on the White House website:

How many times has the government done something evil and told us after (if they even tell us)?

These were his replies to my comments:

Cirrus clouds are actually made out of the same type of ice crystals as contrails are. They will 100% feed off of each other. Just water. Nothing more.

Sure! There was an upper level disturbance creating them this afternoon. As aircraft were flying through the cirrus layer, around 30,000 feet, they were adding a streaky look to them due to relatively high dew points in the layer.

That still isn’t what that is. Stop believing everything you see. You won’t listen to reason, which is a critical problem with conspriacy theorists. You are incorrect in your thinking. Sorry to be blunt, but once you leave the actual science behind how contrails form, it will all make sense.